Nothing Happens (darkness drawing) 2018–2019, 164 × 98cm
Nothing Happens (facsimile) 2018–2019, 164 × 100cm
13 coloured pencils to dust (darkness drawing) 2018–2019, 164 × 100cm
13 coloured pencils to dust (facsimile) 2018–2019, 161 × 99cm
Palinopsia (darkness drawing) 2018–2019, 164 × 100cm
Palinopsia (facsimile) 2018–2019, 164 × 100cm
A Delicate Sight is the culmination of Winston’s exploration of darkness as a creative practice and includes the drawings he created during his month-long residency. It includes the writings of Raymond Antrobus, Bernardine Evaristo, Don Paterson and Max Porter, which were inspired by their own darkness residencies.
Presented left are Sam Winston’s original darkness drawings and their sighted facsimiles. Winston spent a month living and drawing in blackout. Over 672 hours he created 3 large scale drawings. Whilst each drawing was being made, he recorded notes into a dictaphone about what he was drawing. Once finished, the work was sealed unseen by Winston. Later that year he attempted to recreate what he imagined he had drawn whilst in the dark.
Project website here.
For creativity pack relating to the project can be downloaded here.