A Delicate Sight

Nothing Happens (darkness drawing) 2018–2019, 164 × 98cm

Nothing Happens (facsimile) 2018–2019, 164 × 100cm

13 coloured pencils to dust (darkness drawing) 2018–2019, 164 × 100cm

13 coloured pencils to dust (facsimile) 2018–2019, 161 × 99cm

Palinopsia (darkness drawing) 2018–2019, 164 × 100cm

Palinopsia (facsimile) 2018–2019, 164 × 100cm

A Delicate Sight


A Del­i­cate Sight is the cul­mi­na­tion of Winston’s explo­ration of dark­ness as a cre­ative prac­tice and includes the draw­ings he cre­at­ed dur­ing his month-long res­i­den­cy. It includes the writ­ings of Ray­mond Antrobus, Bernar­dine Evaris­to, Don Pater­son and Max Porter, which were inspired by their own dark­ness residencies.

Pre­sent­ed left are Sam Win­ston’s orig­i­nal dark­ness draw­ings and their sight­ed fac­sim­i­les. Win­ston spent a month liv­ing and draw­ing in black­out. Over 672 hours he cre­at­ed 3 large scale draw­ings. Whilst each draw­ing was being made, he record­ed notes into a dic­ta­phone about what he was draw­ing. Once fin­ished, the work was sealed unseen by Win­ston. Lat­er that year he attempt­ed to recre­ate what he imag­ined he had drawn whilst in the dark. 

Project web­site here.

For cre­ativ­i­ty pack relat­ing to the project can be down­loaded here.