

Bōc [Old Eng­lish for book]. Both books here are bound on both edges. They con­tain nev­er to be seen draw­ings and texts that were con­ceived dur­ing a month long dark­ness res­i­den­cy.

Occip­i­tal draw­ing refers to the occip­i­tal lobe which is one of the four major lobes of the cere­bral cor­tex in the brain. The lobe is the visu­al pro­cess­ing cen­tre of the brain that is respon­si­ble for both real and imag­ined images.

Bound in alum tawed goatskin with two round­ed spines and sewn colour silk head­bands.

Sur­round­ing the book is a hand fin­ished silk print. The draw­ing on the print was also cre­at­ed whilst in blackout.