Pencil Drawing

Pencil Drawing


An on going series of col­lages look­ing at var­i­ous com­po­nents of draw­ing. Each image con­tains one com­plete pencil.

Artist state­ment –

This is the begin­nings of a process look­ing at the mate­ri­al­i­ty of the objects that inform artis­tic prac­tice. By lit­er­al­ly explod­ing, dis­solv­ing and col­lag­ing bro­ken down artists tools we reveal their his­to­ry and lega­cy. Whether the pen­cil graphite is from mines in Chi­na or the New Mex­i­can cot­ton farms that make rag-made paper — each art­work is a tes­ti­mo­ny to a glob­alised econ­o­my and the unseen geog­ra­phy of the tools by which we make art.“

This study informs a larg­er series of pieces with the work­ing title of – Draw­ing on Draw­ing. The series looks at one of the old­est and most fun­da­men­tal aspects of artist prac­tice but sees how, from with­in these tools, broad­er cul­tur­al and social impacts can be drawn out.